07 May Reserve your seat for our final conference – 7th June 2021
Come along and find out about the innovative policy recommendations addressed to the European Commission, all with a focus on enhancing private land conservation and supporting landowners in their biodiversity approach. This 4-year project, combining European-wide surveys, workshops, interviews, webinars and research, has given us the chance to put our insight and ideas into concrete policy, ultimately strengthening private land conservation in Europe. Key stakeholders such as landowners, policy makers, environmental NGOs, tools and compensation experts are all part of our fantastic line-up. They will reflect on what the project has taught us and present the policy recommendations deriving from our findings. There will also be time to listen to various views on these recommendations and scalable solutions.
This conference is not just about listening to the experts; we want your voice to be heard too. Interaction is at the heart of the event, and we’d be delighted to hear your feedback and your experiences. You’ll also have the chance to ask the experts any questions you might have. We’ll even be holding a private land conservation lottery! Prizes up for grabs include visiting a finca, sleeping on a lake and birdwatching in nature’s tranquility. Test your knowledge live during the conference and you might just win a trip to one of our innovative case studies in Europe!
With your help, we can create clear guidance for impactful policy recommendations at the European level. Share your ideas with us; we can’t wait to find new ways to preserve nature, together.