09 Jun 8-6-2020 Partner Meeting
Due to the Covid crisis the parters had to meet virtually. The field visits have been postponed.
During this meeting the partners discussed the outcomes of the research on existing and innovative tools for private land conservation and private land conservation challenges and opportunities in Europe, based on the survey and 14 focus groups. The publication summarizing the data outcomes was presented and will be published soon. Coming activities will focus on the development of policy recommendations and continue to build the private conservation network.
The study tour which was planned in September 2020 had to be declined on the agreed dates because of the Covid crisis. The partners decided together to organize a webinars series during this week and postpone the study tour, if possible, to 2021. 4 webinars will be organized. These webinars will give the introduction to the Study tour of 2021 by presenting the estates and conservation tools. One webinar will present seven European examples. of innovative private land conervation. The fourth webinar will combine the different aspects in a more interactive integrated session. Both the study tour and the webinars will be coordinated by ELO and TNC with the support of ANB.